Yeah we are starting over in a new online dance space in june!

Yeah im Juni starten wir in einem neuen online dance space durch!


We are planning monthly sword workshop intensives as well as weekly sword classes. Stay tuned fo more info!


Wir planen monatliche Säbel Intensiv Workshops sowie wöchentliche Klassen. Bleib dran für mehr Infos!








For me, dancing in a duo is a very intimate and spiritual moment. 
It needs time to trust each other, to let go, to accept another persons lead,
to hold eye contact when all the emotions of music and movements are cooking up.
And this is where we want to be, being able to get into the moment,
stop thinking and let body and mind respond to the music.
So grab your sword & your dance partner and join us for a lot of fun and new possibilitys!
Workshops will be held in english, german translation is possible when needet >3
Part 1: Sunday Oktober 13th 
8-10pm CEST
We will start with sensational& traditional passing moves,
create magic and shapes while we are changing lead and places seamlessly
Part 2 Sunday November 10th
8-10pm CEST
We will focus more on the partner concepts and expand the limits of our known repertoire,
work with intention and body language to create new possibilities for our dance while staying within the FCBD© Format
You will need a balanced dance scimitar, headband or scarf and basic experience with the
FCBD©/Sacred Sword format by Melody Bustillios.
We will work with Barrel turn, Camel walk, Wrap around turn, Sahra turn and Propellor & Corkscrew turn.

I am going to share the recording with all participants in case anyone isn´t able to attend live for 4 weeks after the event.
Registration only for Duetts, Fee is already for you and your dance partner
You can book each workshop on its own, they won't build up on each other.
Fees: 1 WS 80€/ 2 WS 150€ for 2 dancers
For registration please sende me a email to 

<< Neues Textfeld >>

You are looking for a place to learn the Sacred Sword/FCBD©Style Single or Double Sword format?
In this intensive workshop series you will learn not only the basic moves of the format,
different sword positions, technique&transitions, lead&follow,
we will also create a safe space for personal developement and individual feedback.
Virginie Violett is having over 10 years of expierience in dancing with swords,
is certified Sacred Sword Single and Double Sword Teacher in Melody Bustillos format
as well as Boho Blade Lev. 5 Artist, Boho Double Sword Level 2 Novice and Bohemian Bellydance Foundation Teacher.
She is well known for her inovative performances together with her troupe Deep Puple Dance Collective and several collaborations she is fortunate to took part.
As a professional dancer with body limitations due to chronic Illness and a different bodyshape,
she knows that our bodies may aren´t able to execute some moves like others,
but everybody has a right to look amazing and feel good and this is what we will work on too.
In all of her classes, she is happy to provide adjustments and empowerment for your personal growth.
Class language will be english with german translation if needet.
We are happy to provide german instructions as well.
You need to have basic knowledge of the FCBD©Bellydance format,
one or two swords with a open handle (Beledi and CAS works best) if needet a Headpiece or a Scarf.
We will meet on sundays
June 16th/July 21th/Aug 18th/Sept 08th/Okt 20th/Nov 17th/Dez 8th
from 5-7 PM CEST for double sword and 7.30-9.30 pm for single sword,
recording will be avaiable till the end of the series.
7x2h 240€ (montly paying avaiable) and 450 if you took both series
If you have any questions or want to sign up, please send me a pn or email to
I am looking forward to dance with you!

Vergangene Projekte 

Ein kleiner Auszug aus unserem vielfältigen Workshopprogramm der vergangenen Jahre

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© Virginie Violett